한국 미술계 발전과 현대미술의 저변 확대, 시민들의 문화 향유권 증진을 위해 다양한 사업을 운영하고 있습니다.
Debasish Borah is born in a sleepy town of easternmost end of India very close to the Burmese/Chinese border in a town called Miao, which explains his love for cats. He lives in north India in Leh, a town which is 4000m high. His works are drawn from politics, culture, social patterns and challenges. He works with photographs, video and installation-based works. He and his partner Helene Thebault founded an artist-run space called Farside Collective from Leh.

He has exhibited his works in Delhi, Leh, Ahmedabad, Prague, and Seoul.