We operate various projects to support and nurture art and culture.
?Solo Exhibitions
?2017, A Walk in Whiteness, Gallery SOSO, Heyri, Korea
2015, Turn on the Night, ALTER EGO / SUTOME, Seoul, Korea
2011, The Bluest Scene, Gallery SOSO, Heyri, Korea
2008, Ultramarine_Beyond The Sea, Project Space SARUBIA, Seoul, Korea
2005, Desert of Winds, Gallery DOS, Seoul, Korea
2003, Longing for Innocence, Space MOM Museum of Art, Cheongju, Korea / (2004) Window Gallery, Gallery HYUNDAI, Seoul, Korea
2001, Gallery SAGAN, Seoul, Korea

Selected Group Exhibitions
2018, How the artists meditate, SAVINA Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
2018, Tastes of Weather, SeMA, Nam Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2018, Neo Moroism, Museum of Art, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
2017, Your time, My time, Our time, Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation Lobby Gallery, Suwon, Korea
2016, Artist Book Space, Datz Museum of Art, Gwangju, Korea
2016, The Edge of Night, OCI Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2016, Being In Nature, Museum SAN, Wonju, Korea
2016, Invisible, SHINSEGAE Gallery, Incheon, Korea?
2015, SOMA Drawing : Mindful Mindless, SOMA Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2015, Black Hole Sun, Art Center White block, Heyri, Korea
2015, Salon de SeMA : SeMA's New Acquistions 2014, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2014, Flow, Datz Museum of Art, Gwangju, Korea
2014, Now and Beyond, Gallery NOOK, Seoul, Korea
2013, Prick, Gallery GAIN, Seoul, Korea
2013, I am walking in clouds on the Mountain, Corner Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2010, The Re-composition of Landscape, JEJU Museum of Art, Jeju, Korea
2010, Alive Gently, POSCO art museum, Seoul, Korea
2010, Heteromorphism, Space GONGMYUNG, Seoul, Korea
2009, Beginning of New Era, National Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
2009, Spiritual Enlightenment, ZAHA Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2009, Propose 7-vol.4, KUMHO Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2009, Natural, SUNGKUK Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
2009, Fleeting, Museum of Art Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
2009, The Expression of the Mind, Avenuel Lotte Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2008, Intro, National Art studio, Goyang, Korea
2008, Creation Anatomy, GYEONGGIDO Museum of Art, Ansan, Korea
2007, Minimum Traces, Space MOM Museum of Art, Cheongju, Korea
2007, Art Forecast, SeMA, Nam Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2006, Softness, SOMA Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2006, Pre-International Incheon Women Artists’ Biennale_respiration, Incheon Multi Culture & Arts Center, Incheon, Korea
2006, Meditative Forest, SeMA, Nam Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2006, Practisculpture, Gallery GAIN, Seoul, Korea
2005, Seoul Youth Art Festival_Portfolio 2005, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2004, Prize-Winner's exhibition of Korea Young Artists Biennale, Daegu Culture & Arts Center, Daegu, Korea
2004, Young Artist Network, Daegu Culture & Arts Center, Daegu, Korea
2003, Water, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul & SORY Arts Center, Jeonju, Korea
2002, A Thousand Thinking, A Thousand Routes_Korea Young Artists Biennale, Daegu Culture & Arts Center, Daegu, Korea
2002, Pls. Be quiet, Gallery SANG, Seoul, Korea

2014-2015, Studio White block Art Center, Heyri, Korea
2008-2009, Gyang Residency, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (5th Long-term Artist), Gyang, Korea
2006-2007, SeMA Nangi Residency, Seoul Museum of Art (1th Long-term Artist), Seoul, Korea

Seoul Museum of Art, Museum of Contemporary Art BUSAN, Korea National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art(Art Bank / Government Art Bank), OCI Museum of Art, Datz Museum of Art, Art Center White block, LEESANGWON Museum of Art, Asan Medical Center