We operate various projects to support and nurture art and culture.

Born in Aichi, 1990.
Lives and works in Kanagawa.
   Locating fundamental components such as social structure, today’s media technology, and our sensory system to perceive various phenomena in his artistic interest, artwork by Kosuke Nagata continues to emerge ambiguity in the process of distinguishing one from another.
   He has recently participated in the following major exhibitions Aichi Triennale 2019: Taming Y/Our Passion (Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art), Open Space 2018: in transition (NTT InterCommunication Center), and The Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2018: Mapping the Invisible (TOKYO PHOTOGRAPHIC ART MUSEUM). The essay titled "Photography after Photoshop: Software of the “Photographic Apparatus”" contributed to the Lev Manovich’s Japanese-translated publication Instagram and Contemporary Image (Tokyo: BNN, 2018).


2023 Ph.D in Film and New Media, Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo, Japan

2014 M.A. in Fine Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo, Japan

2012 B.A. in Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo, Japan

Selected Solo Exhibitions

2022 Feasting Wild, karch, Ishikawa, Japan

2021 Equilibres, ANOMALY, Tokyo, Japan

2021 Museum of Video Art #02: Eating Body, Motoeigakan, Tokyo, Japan

2020 αM Project 2020 -2021 Halfway Happy vol.2 Kosuke Nagata: Eat, Gallery αM, Tokyo, Japan

2016 Therapist, Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo, Tokyo, Japan

Selected Group Exhibitions

2022 DAZZLER, Kyoto Art Center, Kyoto, Japan

2022 Seeing as though touching - Contemporary Japanese Photography vol.19, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan

2021 VOCA2021, The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo, Japan

2020 traNslatioNs - Understanding Misunderstanding, 21_21 design sight, Tokyo, Japan

2020 Echoes of Monologues, ANOMALY, Tokyo, Japan

2019 False Spaces, Tokyo Arts and Space, Tokyo, Japan

2019 Aichi Triennale 2019: Taming Y/Our Passion, Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Aichi, Japan

2018 Open Space 2018: In Transition, NTT InterCommunication Center, Tokyo, Japan

2018 Beyond Materializing, Tama Art University Art Theque Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

2018 Well-Lighted Watertank, Blockhouse, Tokyo, Japan

2018 Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2018: Mapping the Invisible, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan

2017 Out of Instruments, Yamamoto Gendai, Tokyo, Japan

2017 Party, Oak Building, Tokyo, Japan

2017 Surfin, non-disclosure, Tokyo, Japan

2017 Malformed Objects, Yamamoto Gendai, Tokyo, Japan

Selected Professional Experiences

2018- Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan
2017-2020 Research Fellowship for Young Scientists DC1, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo, Japan
2015-2017 Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
2014-2017 Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Architecture, Kogakuin University, Tokyo, Japan
2014-2017 Part-time Lecturer, Art Media Center, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo, Japan
2014-2016 Course Assistant, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Selected Articles and Publications

2023 "From a Bowl of Tea: Complex Simplicity at Noma Kyoto", SUB-ROSA, 15 April

2022 Seeing as though touching: Contemporary Japanese Photography vol.19, Edited by Miyuki Endo, Tokyo: Tokyo Photographic Art Museum

2022 αM Project 2020-2021: Halfway Happy, Edited by Arata Hasegawa and gallery αM, Tokyo: Musashino Art University Press

2022 "Crossing the Border of Deliciousness: Another Taste of Ugly Delicious", SUB-ROSA, 2 May ([Part I], [Part II])

2021 "Gazing Toward a Rearview Mirror", HIVE101: Introduction to ICC's Video Archive | Vol.15 Kosuke Nagata, Tokyo: NTT Intercommunication Center

2021 VOCA2021: The Vision of Contemporary Art, Edited by Committee for the VOCA Exhibition and The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo: Committee for the VOCA Exhibition and The Ueno Royal Museum 

2020 "Like Looking From Zero Distance", Bitecho Web, 17 November ([Part I], [Part II])

2020 AICHI TRIENNALE 2019: Taming Y/Our Passion, Edited by The Aichi Triennale Organizing Committee, Aichi: The Aichi Triennale Organizing Committee

2020 TOKAS Project Vol.2: FALSE SPACES, Edited by Tokyo Arts and Space, Tokyo: Tokyo Arts and Space

2019 "Review: Soft Play", Bitecho Web, 3 December

2019 "A Painting as the Hybrid: on Kazuki Umezawa", Ecrit-O Web, 26 February

2018 "Politics of the Photographable: on Untitled by Wolfgang Staehle" in Pan-no-Pan 03, pp.14-31.

2018 "Photography after Photoshop: the Software of the Photographic Apparatus" in Instagram and Contemporary Image, Tokyo: BNN Inc., pp.85-105.

2018 "Photographic Objects: Dispositif on Walead Beshty’s Works", Loop Vol.8, pp.5-31

2018 "Execution-Value of Codes Under Post-Medium Condition of Post-Media", Journal of Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences Vol.9, pp.100-111.


2023 SeMA Nanji Residency, Seoul, Korea (Exchange Residency Program)

2023 ARCUS Studio, Ibaraki, Japan

Grants & Awards

2021 COVID-19 Special Grants, Toshiaki Ogasawara Memorial Foundation, Japan

2020 Grant Program for Contemporary Artists, Kumagai Masatoshi Culture Foundation, Japan

2020 Ikuo Hirayama Art Award, Ikuo Hirayama Art Fund, Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan

Selected Press

2021 "Cooks and Aristocrats, and Their Forks and Mouths", Bitecho Web, 18 May

2021 "Art Thinking Food: Is a Food Processor a Part of Our Body?", The Asahi Shimbun GLOBE+, 20 March

Selected Interviews

2021 "An Artist Creates Full Course Meals: Kosuke Nagata Exploring the Boundaries Between Self and Others in His Video Essay", TV Asahi POST, 12 February

2021 "Where is Pad Thai Made with Udon Even From? Rethinking Cultural Orthodoxy from the Perspective of Mixed Food Cultures: Kosuke Nagata", SUB-ROSA, 24 February

2018 "Interview with Kosuke Nagata", MASSAGE MAGAZINE, 7 May